Container volume at top North American ports rises 9.1pc in July

BIG North American ports achieved 9.1 per cent year-on-year growth in container volume through July - up 20 basis points on June.

Results have remained robust across west, east and Gulf coasts this year, with non-US and Gulf coast seaports continuing to lead performance, reported New York's Seeking Alpha.

Laden imports remain the driver for improved traffic as laden exports continue to marginally drop.

Class I TEU traffic results continue to improve, and intermodal pricing may be getting back on track soon, the report said.

During 2016, top seaports in North America were on track to witness a decline in container traffic. This was the case through September for laden and empty imported/exported boxes. It was not until October through December, that positive momentum was sustained to end the year with an overall 1.2 per cent gain.